Sunday, March 3, 2013

Getting my life back on track..

I don't know what is wrong with me recently, My motivation has gone out the window, I do nothing.. I have the same routine which basically revolves around Ethan. I haven't been food shopping in weeks.. Just stay at home, read books, feed Ethan, Play with Ethan, Change Ethan etc. It really gets on top of you, which is why I'm probably feeling so down. I haven't even been to my favourite baby group in a while!

On Friday, i thought.. No.. I'm not going to just sit here all day, I'm going to go for a walk with Kyle and Ethan get some fresh air.. I'm not going to accept that i have a flat instead of a house, I'm not going to allow myself to fail college because I'm unmotivated to do the work. I AM determined to prove people wrong and become the best mother, student, girlfriend, friend, and daughter i can be! and that is what I'm doing.

In the past two days, i have found a house for me and kyle to move into. (It's cute!) :D. I've complete 3 assignments... Currently taking a break to update this, before starting another one, I've cleaning out my wardrobe getting rid of the crap i do not want, cleaned everywhere and i have taken control of my life! 

i am now a better me.

I have to thank my dad for this, because if he was not an judgmental a**hole, then i wouldn't be so motivated to prove him wrong. I would feel that my life is complete the way it is, i would have defiantly quit college by now if it wasn't for his disapproving  way of making me feel shit. so for that i say thank you. 

Like i said, this is only a quick update as more college work is needed to be done :(  

But i shall leave you with a cute picture of Ethan :) 

hiho hiho, it's off to work i go. 