Ever since my labour i haven't been able to stop talking about it, i love listening to other people's stories and experiences, No labour is the same and it's just amazing how your body works, so here is my labour story.
My due date was the 12th of November (12/11/12), and like most women i didn't go into labour, and was convinced that Ethan wasn't going to come any time soon, as every first mum i had spoke to have told me then went 2 weeks over and had to be induced, So on the morning of my due date i had a midwife appointment, which was basic antenatal check ups, and to have a sweep. I was literally crapping myself for the sweep, i didn't know what to expect and having some woman perform one on me was pretty embarrassing! But i gritted my teeth, and thought 'I can do this now, and have 70% chance of the baby come soon, or wait another two weeks', So i had one. Not the most pleasant of things, and it was slightly painful, but it wasn't too bad.
The midwife said that my cervix was far forward which is uncommon in first time pregnancies, that it was soft and stretchy, and already 2cm dilated She said that i might experience a show, but if not then i could still go into labour.
So as i believe i have no good luck, i thought to myself.. 'Nope, this wont make me go into labour, so bugger it' and me and Kyle went into a cafe for some din dins, i had a cheese and onion toasty.. Yum yum. Luckily i didn't go into labour :P haha.. would have been VERY embarrassing.
Few hours pass.. I experience nothing.. Not even a few cramps.
So me and Kyle settle down to watch an episode of walking dead, while eating dinner, Tuna, Pasta and sweetcorn. I felt like i needed a wee, so i popped to the toliet, and just as i sat down my waters broke.. Instant panic! i shouted for kyle.. and sounded like a babbling idiot 'i...i...i..th..think..mmmmyy...wat..ers..brroo...broke' so i got up expecting that to be all my waters.. Boy was i wrong.. I walked into the living room and all of a sudden a gush of water and my floor and trousers were soaked! So i literally sat on the toliet so that my floor would stay dry haha. This was about half 6 - 7 o'clock. So i told kyle to pass me the phone so i could ring the emergency midwife number. Annoyingly, i had to go into labour when one of my midwifes weren't on call (i had 4).. and had some random one from a town an hour away.
I told her that my waters had broke but i was experiencing no contractions. She told me to eat, and try get as much sleep as possible, and if my contractions hadn't come by 9 o'clock tomorrow, she will send someone out to look at me, and get me induced. They do that because there is a chance of infection if the waters are broke for more than 12 hours.
So we sat back down and i forced myself to eat my pasta, rung my mum and text my best friend, aspen, as she had gone through labour a few months before.
I was feeling excited, and scared I had never been through this before so i didn't know what to expect. Will it be like a painful period or will it be like stomach pain? Neither.. It was worse. aha
My contractions started about an hour after, they weren't to uncomfortable and thought that maybe i should put the immersion on so i can have a bath. After an hour, i jumped into the bath, at this point my contractions were VERY painful, and already very close together. I stayed in the bath for an hour, while trying to be brave. Kyle was very supportive at this point, and i couldn't fault him. He was calm, and that was what i needed. He collected all the bags, put food and drink into a plastic bag, and sat next to the bath to comfort me.
My contractions were coming very strong, with only 30 seconds - 1 minute gaps, so kyle rung the midwife back and said that they have become regular and painful. As she was an hour away, she said she would make her way to my birth center, and would ring me when she was there. I then tried to get out of the bath, Yes tried. It's hard enough when pregnant.. but while having contractions.. wow.. it's near enough impossible.
I rung my mum and demanded that she come down, as we needed her car to get us to the birth center.. walking there would not have been fun.
So an painfully long hour passed, and Caris (the midwife) rung me to say she was there, kyle and mum packed all the things in the car as i attempted to walk down two flights of stairs across the street and into her car.. this took about half an hour as i have the worse contraction ever on the top of my external stair case right outside my neighbours door, luckily they didn't come outside.
I was praying to god that the midwife wouldn't send me home, as i don't think i would have been able to make it up the stairs!
When we got the center at about 9 o'clock, she gave me some gas and air just so that she could see how far long dilated i was, I was already 7cm.
Gas and air really didn't suit me to begin with as i threw up all of my pasta that i had earlier forced myself to eat, but after a few more breaths i got used to it.
As caris started filling up the birthing pool, i sat and watched im a celebrity on the big plasma television which i had all to myself.. Not that i actually watched it.. i was in way to much pain. Finally the pool, was full and i could get in.
And ohmygod... it was divine. It was soo warm and it was very deep.. combined with gas and air, i felt hardly any pain. About half an hour later i had urges to push, i had no clue what was going on.. My midwife had disappeared looking for some keys, and was no where to seen, so i, like most women, became very emotional and started to cry.. haha!
at about half 11 caris told me that is i didn't get out of the pool now, i wouldn't be getting out at all.. I refused obviously :P After 40 minutes of pushing, My little sunshine was born.
He was born on the 13th of November, at 00:16, weighing 7.5lbs
Throughout my labour, i was munching on bourbon buscuits, and drinking orange juice. I had bought energy drink, Doritos and all sorts,, but because my labour was only 5 hours long, i didn't really have time. haha!
I can't remember the first night, i had with him because i was soo tired, and out of it.. but i don't think he woke up till 6.
The weird thing about labour, is as soon as the contractions had stopped i had completely forgotten the pain. It was all worth it though.
This little bundle is now my whole life.