Monday, February 11, 2013

Young mums group..Urgh

What the hell did my health visitor convince me to go too..  URGH. 

"it's a group for young parents under 25, everyone is really nice, and it's alot of fun"

Oh really? you liar!

I recently found out that in my nearest town there is a young parents group, which my health visitor convinced me was going to be a good idea to pop along to so i could meet mums + dad my age. After ALOT of thinking i finally convinced myself yeah, maybe it would be a good idea to make some friends with babies who i can talk to... i don't know what i expected but, that group was a nightmare!

I got there about half one (which is what my health visitor said it started at which was a lie.. it started at one) and couldnt get into the building! After looking like a kn*b for ages trying to open a door, i finally got into the building, and was greeted by no one so i had no idea where to go.. just literally walked down a corridor until i saw someone who looked young. 
When i got into the room, there were 5 girls, and one guy. Two girls were stereotypical teenage mums.. i was embarrassed to be associated with them to be honest! i know it sounds bad.. but it's people like them that put a bad name to young mums! they both smoked, were mean, + looked rough! After talking to both for ONLY 5 minutes i found out they both smoked, drank + took drugs while pregnant. INSTANT DISLIKE!  So i walked away from them and sat by myself with ethan for a while waiting for 3 o'clock.  
I then noticed that two girls across the room looked decent, and nice and was determined to start talking to them,  so i did.. wow.. they were really dumb,  i could barely talk to them! im not trying to be stuck up or something, but im not stupid, i've got two a's and on b at a level (before you think wow.. her english skills are crap how did she get them.. English isn't my strong point ;)  )  so i like to have some intellectual conversation.. nope, it just wasn't going to happen. 
So i only have two people left to impress me so that i come to the group more often, and they were a couple with a month and a half old baby.. and actually the girl wasn't too bad, but they just weren't my sort of people tbh.

Another failed attempted at a baby group, BUT atleast im making friends in my normal baby group :D

YAY. :) x

Ethan on the way to the group :)

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