Monday, February 11, 2013

Prams, Prams, and More Prams.

I am one of these mums that get bored of prams very easily, I've had 3 already, and my baby is only 3 months old! D: i am Terrrible. 
Each pram i have bought is second hand because i feel it is pointless to buy them new when as soon as you use them, their value just goes.. Similar to cars i suppose :) 

The hardest part is picking a pram when you are first pregnant expecting your first baby, because to be honest you don't have a clue what to get, a light pram? a travel system? a 3 wheeler? You have to keep a few things in mind before going out and purchasing the nicest looking one, because thats what i did. 

I use public transport alot, live in a second floor flat, have little storage space, yet i thought it was a clever idea to buy a bit bulky travel system.. why?! i have no idea.. i was naive, and silly.. if i could go back to when i was pregnant, knowing what i do now.. then i would have saved that money + got a more compact, light weight buggy, + a seperate car seat. 

Snug as a bug in a rug

Like, it is a very sexy travel system, and if i had more room in my flat, i would have used it and not bought two more prams, but alas i don't have room. 

Review of my Mamas and Papas Travel System (bought second hand for £100).
        The frame itself is very light, and i like that about this pram. It folds down easily, and becomes quite thin, but not very compact. It stands alone when folded which i also like, as i don't have to place it on the floor when getting stuff out of my car. The shopping basket is HUGE! and i can fit a lot in there! It's nice to push, and very sturdy. As my baby was born in winter, i thought it would be a good idea to get a carry cot for when i go out and about to shelter him from wind + the cold. With this travel system i had a stand which all the units connect to, so i used the carry cot in my living room as a second moses basket when Ethan was a newborn so that i could keep an eye on him while doing chores, or watching tele. The only thing i dislike about travel systems is that you can't fold them down together as one piece, which means i have to leave the frame downstairs, while i run the unit to my flat, then go back downstairs for the frame, THEN i have to go back downstairs to get shopping in, and the baby from out of the car. I also dislike that it took up a lot of boot space, which meant i have no room for shopping, or anything else. 

The second pram i purchased was the Mamas and Papas Luna, Which i loveee! 

Alot more roomy for him to snoozee

Review of my Mamas and Papas Luna Pushchair (bought second hand for £40)
    I love this pushchair very much, it's a delight to push, it's very sturdy, it's roomy for Ethan when he sleeps, and when he wants to stretch, It lies down flat so is handy if im going on a long day out, i know that it wont affect his spine like a car seat can. It's so easy to put down and up, and it folds into one piece! although, it isn't the lightest of pushchairs, so it takes me a while to get up the stairs, but that doesn't bother me. I like the fact it has a bumper bar, i find it reassuring for some reason, and it's one quality i look for in a pram. I decided to change prams for a few reasons, and they are..
  • It's not parent facing, and with Ethan only being 12 weeks old, i like to look at him.
  • It's not the lightest of prams, and i have to rely on my partner to take it up and down the stairs
  • It's not very heavy at the front which means that tipping backwards can be quite common when stuff is placed on the handle bars, but when again, this is a handy feature because it makes getting up curbs + bumps easier. 
  • The rain cover looks stupid as hell, as it has to have room for a car seat to fit in as it is kind of a travel system, so it has a weird flappy bit. 
If this pram could change to parent facing as well as forward facing, i would be very happy.. but what can you do, :)

My most recent purchase was a quinny zapp xtra, i've only used it twice so i haven't go annoyed with it yet..

Well i started writting this a couple days ago, and now i've managed to use my quinny zapp xtra a few times. 

Review of my quinny Zapp Xtra (not with a folding seat) (bought second hand for £90)
    Well this pushchair is a delight! it is soo nice to push, and to maneuver. It's very sturdy like the mamas and papas luna, but it's not as light weight on the front which makes rearward tipping harder. It's quite short, but for me being only 5ft4 it is perfect, as for my partner who is 6ft+ it is a bit uncomfortable, but as i am the main pusher of the pram then my needs come before his.. haha! I like the fact that it is easy to attach toys to this pram, haven't been able to with the other two, and i like that you can purchase a bumper bar, but i don't think i am going too.   I love the fact this pram is parent facing! as it lightweight! it took me a few weeks to find a pram which has both these features, But finally! i have done it :D There is one thing i dislike about this pram, and that is that the footmuffs and cosytoes are really expensive! but i brought a cheap universal one, it does the job ey? :P 

I don't think i will be changing prams for a while, But who knows.. I am a pramaholic! :D


thanks for reading,  byeezz 

Kirsty, and Ethan xx

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