Monday, January 28, 2013

Baby groups.. What a nightmare..

For any mum, no matter what age, baby groups are scary, unless you are over confident and know the people who are going to be there..  But when you are a teen mum it's even scarier.

Went to one last week which was more of a older baby group and met a nice lady who was 21 with a 15 month old little girl. She was very nice and actually spoke to me, Hardly anyone else did.. 

The Tuesday baby group is in a back room of a church.. and this room is massive.. and filled with mums sat around the edges of the room all facing the door ready to stare down their new mum...and luckily, i was their new victim. I rushed over and sat down trying to stop my face from going red. I was disappointed that i had the youngest baby as i was hoping to make friends with someone who had a similar aged baby who wasn't as dull as a parrot. About an hour later, i was tempted to leave until someone walked in with a newborn baby, This made my day. Her little girl was only 5 weeks old and i knew her from antenatal classes, i could tell she was nervous and she rushed over and sat next to me where we discussed labour and our lovely health visitor, who is a complete arse. 

After enjoying this group i decided it was time to tackle the snobby mean baby group...

As soon as i got there i regretted it.

We were in a tiny room with 11+ mums who i found very judgey. They all looked at me like i was a stray dog, and the worst thing about it was i had to stand up and introduce myself. URGH! i went bright red.. public speaking is not my thing.. at all.

I sat there, no one speaking to me, and Ethan sound asleep so i couldn't even play with him. I did notice two mums that looked nice with 12 week, + 14 week old babies who i really wanted to move closer too but there was no room for me. (next week i will be punctual and turn up on time so i can sit next to them). Some welsh lady came in to the group aswell to sing songs and read in welsh.. all the mums had to sing along. :(   

The best bit about this group was actually leaving,  The two mums i was on about before came up to me and asked me how i was, And for that i was extremely grateful because now i know that next week i will have someone to talk too. We talked about labour, + midwives.. all the stuff two mums talk about to start some bonding, it was truly lovely and i knew they weren't judging me on my age which was even better. 

Both these experiences have totally pushed me out of my comfort zone, and whether i am liking it or not.. i will let you know.

I would suggest to any mum, young or old, go to a group... if you don't like it then leave + never go again.. but there is a chance you will have fun + meet some lovely people.. You just have to get over the 'new mum to the group' phase. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

This is the life

Cuddled up with my boy favourite boys about to fall asleep. #loving life.
co sleeping may be looked down upon but there is nothing nicer than snuggling up together.
Very stressful day today, Staying at my mums for two nights while Kyle hangs out with his pals who he hardly ever sees now he isn't in college. Had to pretty much force him to invite Scott over, he has got to the stage where he isn't used to social situations which is very annoying indeed! Just want him to leave the flat once in a while! haha.
Had to rush to get myself, and Ethan ready.. and 10 minutes before i had to leave i remembered that i had wet clothes in the washing machine so i had to rush to put them out.. Ahh!

My mum made a funny comment today.. someone said 'wow, you've lost weight'.. and i said haha yeah, i lost loads during my pregnancy as i couldn't keep anything down and my mum said 'yeah, and now it creeping back on'.. hmmph.
Diet starts on Monday, i might start going to the gym once a week aswell.. who knows. Im worried because ill be sooo unfit and people will laugh.. only exercise I've done recently is swimming.. hmm.. might start going on ladies night again.

Ethan is very mellow today, except he had a very big poo which took him a while making him cry... alot.
Going to see my dad tomorrow, he wasn't very happy about me getting pregnant, and makes it obvious that he is disappointed in me..  i could have turned out sooo much worse..couldn't i? or is being a teen mum the lowest of the low?  surely Im better than a 18 year old who sniffs cocaine all the time?! atleast I've accepted that i have to grow up... and i have done that. Im trying my best to be the best mum, and fiance i can be.. 

Night :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant;

I was pretty sure i was pregnant when i took the test, i was 4 weeks late, very sick and feeling very emotional.  Me and Kyle had decided that i should do a test as soon as possible. I had just turned 18 and i was doing a full time course in my local college, Media + I.T, He was doing full time business. 

Kyle was off to London on a trip, and had to be at the train station at half 8 in the morning, so we had to get a bus into town at 7 just to make that on time. To wait for an hour + a half we went and sat down in McDonald's..

I was rushing to and from the bathroom throwing up all i had consumed that morning and the night before.. Not a pretty sight at all. At 8, we walked to the train station and off he went to London. 

It was only half 8, and no shops were open except co-op so i went in there.. But the pregnancy test were £20! i was like no way am i spending that much just to confirm what i know if already correct.  So i waited for super drug or boots to open, when they did i brought a cheap super drug own brand test and rushed off to college.

I was meant to wait till i got home, but i was too anxious to know the results so i went to the toilet.. Classy i know, and did it there. 

And what do you know.. 

I'm pregnant.

And it begins..

I've never written a blog before so bare with me, i've been thinking about doing it for ages, but never having anything to write about.. I'm not that fashionable, im not up to date with music, im shit with cosmetics all i wear is mascara and eye liner, and i have no interest in anything arty, until recently i thought 'lets write about the highs and lows of being a mother, aswell as being 18.'  so here i am. 

It is 12 o'clock at night, the only chance i get to myself while Ethan sleeps. 
Kyle is sat playing COD: Black ops 2.. as per. 

I should probably start from the beginning..

I'm Kirsty, a 18 year old with a gorgeous 10 week old baby, Ethan. He was born on 13 November 2012 at 00.16am,  Very close to being 12.11.12 :( but 13.11.12 is cool aswell. I live with my Fiance, Kyle, Who is 20, in a little town above a computer shop, it's nice except my neightbour are D**ks, but what can you do..

I go to college part time, two days as week, and study Health and Social.. Why i chose health + social i have no idea.. Just seemed a good thing to do while i was pregnant, learn  information on how to be healthy.. but to my dismay all we talked about was contraception and why you should use it because you would end up the duff if you don't.. like me. :/ 

Hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as i enjoy writing it. 

Toodle pip x