Sunday, January 27, 2013

This is the life

Cuddled up with my boy favourite boys about to fall asleep. #loving life.
co sleeping may be looked down upon but there is nothing nicer than snuggling up together.
Very stressful day today, Staying at my mums for two nights while Kyle hangs out with his pals who he hardly ever sees now he isn't in college. Had to pretty much force him to invite Scott over, he has got to the stage where he isn't used to social situations which is very annoying indeed! Just want him to leave the flat once in a while! haha.
Had to rush to get myself, and Ethan ready.. and 10 minutes before i had to leave i remembered that i had wet clothes in the washing machine so i had to rush to put them out.. Ahh!

My mum made a funny comment today.. someone said 'wow, you've lost weight'.. and i said haha yeah, i lost loads during my pregnancy as i couldn't keep anything down and my mum said 'yeah, and now it creeping back on'.. hmmph.
Diet starts on Monday, i might start going to the gym once a week aswell.. who knows. Im worried because ill be sooo unfit and people will laugh.. only exercise I've done recently is swimming.. hmm.. might start going on ladies night again.

Ethan is very mellow today, except he had a very big poo which took him a while making him cry... alot.
Going to see my dad tomorrow, he wasn't very happy about me getting pregnant, and makes it obvious that he is disappointed in me..  i could have turned out sooo much worse..couldn't i? or is being a teen mum the lowest of the low?  surely Im better than a 18 year old who sniffs cocaine all the time?! atleast I've accepted that i have to grow up... and i have done that. Im trying my best to be the best mum, and fiance i can be.. 

Night :)

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